
Nicaragua’s Cocktail of Media Repression

Maria Lilly Delgado never wanted to leave Nicaragua. As a veteran reporter, she had covered human rights in her beleaguered country for decades. And Delgado had an important side gig, too, training other journalists for a prominent foundation.
But last May, state prosecutors hauled her in twice for questioning in a politically tainted case, then slapped her with a travel ban – a sign of trouble to come. Delgado had to act.
“Just because I demanded the right to attend with a lawyer on my side, th...

April in Nicaragua: Voices from the resistance

Alianza Americas together with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Central America office organize a conversation on Nicaragua. Since April 2018, the Central American country was plunged into the darkness of an anti-democratic regime and, four years later, it is urgent to keep the conversation alive to emphasize what has happened recently against civil society, the opposition, and any dissenting voice in search of the rule of law and respect for human rights in the country.

'Daniel Ortega has turned into' the authoritarian dynasty he toppled in the 1970's

Maria Lilly Delgado, Freelance journalist and Co-founder of Project Huellas de Impunidad, joins France 24 following Nicaragua's widely criticized election that was slammed by the West and much of Latin America. The highly controversial poll swept Daniel Ortega, the longest-serving leader in the Americas, to a fourth consecutive term after he subjugated, and even imprisoned, his political rivals. Ms. Lilly Delgado, who has been targeted, herself, by Nicaraguan authorities, says that President Ort...

Denuncian hostigamientos en Nicaragua a periodistas, incluyendo a María Lilly Delgado de Univision

El gobierno de Daniel Ortega está tratando de inhabilitar a Cristiana Chamorro, la hija de la expresidenta nicaragüense Violeta Chamorro, como candidata a la presidencia. Además, es acusado de reprimir a periodistas independientes y la corresponsal de Univision, María Lilly Delgado, explica qué es lo que está sucediendo en ese país.

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Noticiero Univision 6:30pm
Jorge Ramos e Ilia Calderón

Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna
Patricia Janiot

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Carolina Sarassa y Borja Voces

Noticiero Univision Fin de Semana
Félix de Bedout

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María Lilly Delgado: “Capacitar a periodistas no es un delito”

La periodista María Lilly Delgado con más de 28 años de experiencia profesional se destacó por transferir sus conocimientos sobre periodismo y ética de la profesión a los demás colegas durante algunos talleres puntuales que brindó para la Fundación Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (FVBCh) y, por ello, hoy es investigada por el Ministerio Público del régimen de Daniel Ortega, que el pasado 25 de mayo la citó como testigo y posteriormente la convirtió en “imputada”, solo por exigir la presencia de su abogado en la sala.

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