
Member of Alfred Friendly Press Fellowship Summer Program at the Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia-Missouri. (June 2024)

Alfred Friendly Press Partners provides training in the United States and abroad for journalists from countries with underdeveloped media. During the six-month fellowship program, reporters train at the Missouri School of Journalism and within leading U.S. newsrooms so they can practice journalism that is ethical, innovative and influential. Fellows learn from mentors and editors with broad experience.

Alfred Friendly Press Partners provides training in the United States and abroad for journali...

Member of the Class X Central American Leadership Initiative, as part of the Aspen Global Leadership Network. (2015-2016)

Human problems were created by us, therefore they require solutions by humans - solutions by leaders driven by values and community, rather than ego and self-interest.Authentic, values-driven leaders make a significant impact on their communities and society when they are activated..We need more values-driven leaders to step forward and work together to address the major challenges we are facing today. But we cannot wait for these leaders to emerge on their own. We need to develop them, now.


Knight Talk: Maria Lilly Delgado

Independent Nicaraguan journalists have to fight every day to get access to public information from the government of President Daniel Ortega. Often, they fight in vain. During her Knight Fellowship, Nicaraguan journalist Maria Lilly Delgado saw the way Silicon Valley uses digital tools to tackle and solve many tough problems. And this realization led her to a new calling. Listen as she describes Your Right to Ask, or Derecho a Preguntar.

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